Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome 2012.

I am really excited for 2012, and also a tad bit nervous too. I always anticipate what each year will bring me. This will be my third full year of business and that is also nerve racking to me. You can just call me nervous Nelly. I am really hoping 2012 brings many great things, but I also know it takes a lot of had work and determination to succeed. I am praying to have more patience with myself and to be more organized. I would also love to hear from all of you how I can make your experience better, or easier. I love feedback, even negative feedback. I am open to it all. If you don’t know it’s wrong, then how can you fix it? Please, please let me know, even if it is anonymous.

I really wanted to start the year out by taking picture of my kids. Much easier said than done. I am that horrible mom who started taking pictures of other people and forgot to take pictures of my own family and children. So, once again I will start the year out by saying I will strive to take more pictures of my children, and to blog. Killing two birds with one stone right here.

All I can say is it much easier to work with other families and other children. I was a wreck trying to get my kids to do what I wanted in a photo setting. So here ya have it; My crazy, imperfect, fun, loving family I wouldn’t trade for anything.

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